Mills of Autonomous Bodies

SL No Names
1 R.R. Textile Mills Ltd. (A Proj. of BTMC)
2 Jamuna Oil Company Limited (A Proj. of BPC)
3 Cabinet Mfg. Plant (A Proj. of BFIDC)
4 Tabani Bever- Co. Ltd. Bogra (A Proj – BFFWT)
5 Wood Treating Plant (A Proj- of BFIDC)
6 Housing Complex (A Proj. of BSEC)
7 Ctg. Alumi Works, (A Proj – Senakalyan Sangstha)
8 Olympia Text. Mills Ltd. (A Proj – of BTMC)
9 Monuwar Jute Mills Ltd. (A Proj .of BJMC)
10 National Cotton Mills Ltd. (A Proj. of BTMC)
11 Bangladesh Steel Mills Ltd. (A Proj. of BSEC)
12 CTG. Chemical Complex (A Proj. of BCIC)
13 Std. Asiatic Oil Co. (A Proj. of BPC)
14 Senakalyn Sangstha Trading House
15 Cabinet Mft. Plant (A Proj. of BFIDC)
16 Fine Cotton Mills Ltd. (A Proj. of BTMC)
17 Pilon Industries Ltd. (A. Proj. of BTMC)
18 Particle Board & Veneering Plant (A Proj. of BFIDC)
19 L.P. Gas Ltd. (A Proj. of BPC)
20 Savoy Bread and Confectionery (A Proj – Senakalyan Sangstha)
21 Tangial Cotton Mills – 2 (A Proj. of BTMC)
22 Faridpur Sugar Mills Ltd
23 Satabganj Sugar Mills Ltd.

Payroll Audit

SL. No                          Names
1. Universal Mensware Ltd.